Russia Cuts more Oil Ties to EU Via Gazprom

Several EU countries have refused to give in to Putin's demands that they pay for Russian oil through the new Rouble payment system. These countries include The Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany, deeming these countries as 'unfriendly.'

Gas supplies have been fully cut off to GasTerra a dutch gas company in the Netherlands, Shell in Germany, and Orsted in Denmark.

This comes as an economic retaliation following the EU's announcement to cut their Russian oil imports by 90% by the end of 2022, as a form of sanctions against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Gas companies such as GasTerra have been negotiating with other countries to fill the gap produced by Russia's withdrawal, and said that it has gas volumes covered through October that were originally scheduled to be covered by Russia's Gazprom.

According to Reuters, the below statement was made shortly after Gazprom announced they were cutting gas from the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany.
"The gas for Denmark must, to a larger extent, be purchased on the European gas market. We expect this to be possible," - Orsted Chief Executive Mads Nipper

Countries that have already been cutoff from Gazprom: Bulgaria, Finland, & Poland.

Source #1 Reuters

Source #2 The Guardian

Source #3 DW
