Community Rules And Guidelines

We do not allow advertisements or affiliations with organizations, political movements, militias, far-right or left paramilitary organizations, or otherwise on our channels, or on OSLINT forums. If you are affiliated with any of these, we would ask that you not advertise it or mention it over any of our channels or forums. If your username advertises it, we would ask that you edit your username to comply with the rules here.

Racism is not allowed. Propaganda is not allowed. If you smack talk a certain race, color, gender, or creed you will be banned by the admins. This is no place for such talk. No posting things claiming all of a certain race are racist, not all are and no good can come from perpetuating propaganda.

Do not post unrelated internal U.S. politics, whacky conspiracy theories (Theories or claims that have no evidence), ads, or other unrelated things.

No foul language and remain civil and respectful. Anything in a foreign language must be translated into English for the whole class. Do not talk about covid in the chat, too many strong emotions and division regarding the topic and we want to continue running a community where everyone gets along.

We strive to make this place as nonbias as possible, and free for all political affiliations as long as the rules here are followed.

Regarding complaints: What our community thinks matters to us. If you have a problem, contact an admin and let them know respectfully and it will be brought up in our administrator chat to be deliberated on. We value all of your opinions but we also know we can't make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time and also maintain our purpose. We will take everything into consideration however and all of the admins will debate on what is said.

Keep it respectful, and remember: It is up to all of us as a community to make sure things run smoothly, and well. Be respectful, stay on topic and make sure to mind what chat you are talking in. Thank you.
