Answer To Why We Have Internal Intel Forums For OSINT Information

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We have had people ask why we have internal intel forums if we're an OSINT community.

Answer: The internal forums are for intelligence assessment. Once the intel is assessed, the finalized intel is posted out to the public.

Not all intelligence or information is good for everyone. One example is when someone on the internet gave the location away of Ukrainian tanks with OSINT information and shortly after Russia bombed that same civilian location and destroyed a civilian building next to where the tanks were sitting.

We have a responsibility not to give sensitive intel to the wrong people, as such we require people to be vetted before getting into the higher levels where intel assessment happens.

Then the intel is posted to the public after it's vetted to be both accurate, and not too sensitive for the general public to have access to. This is especially important because those in the OSLINT community will be posting intel to the public.

We don't want just anyone posting intel out, that would be a disaster. Likewise, we don't want just any intel being posted out, that would also be a disaster. Both need to be vetted and approved at the top level first to make sure only accurate intel gets out to the public.
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