Access Levels Scrapped - Graduation From Academy Makes You Full Member Now

We didn't have a lot of support for the access levels, which I thought would be interesting but didn't work out too well in practice. I have scrapped the access levels.

Now when you graduate from the Academy, you will become a full OSLINT member. I have added a forum for posting intel in both the Academy forums as well as the OSLINT member forums. Make sure the intel posted there is accurate, no posting bad intel or you may be sent back to the academy for training again.

Intel posted in the member intelligence forum will be reviewed by the command team to be posted out to the public.

Furthermore, I will be creating a HAM/Radio channel for public and for internal members forums as well. Public HAM/Radio channel will be for 'hobby listening' and the HAM/Radio channel in the members-only forum will be for analysis.

No posting of in-depth analysis of military channels will be acceptable in public chats. There are too many prying eyes and the information gathered from in-depth analysis is too sensitive to be disclosed to just anyone.
